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Our goal is to improve the health outcomes of the patients that we serve.

Food insecurity, or lack of access to adequate, nutritious food, is a prevalent, yet preventable, social condition that has been linked to numerous adverse health outcomes. While it affects individuals at every age, it can be particularly detrimental to children. Those who are food-insecure are more likely to develop diet-related chronic diseases, have impaired social development, and have reduced success in school compared to their food-secure peers.

At Baywell Health, we offer free, fresh produce, and nutrition education during our Food Farmacy. By providing fresh locally grown produce and dry goods that we receive from local growers, as well as, the Alameda County Food Bank, we hope to empower patients and transform their wellness by making the connection between healthy eating and living as a way of combating health issues.

Every Third Thursday

Every Third Thursday


Stay On Top Of Your Health

Diabetes Fact Sheet

“Every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes…. ”

Soul Food Sampler

“Every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes…. ”

African American and High Blood Pressure

“Every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes…. ”